How To Create A Secure Password: Do’s And Don’ts Of Password Security

May 6, 2021 in Website Security

When you create a secure password, it’s the first step towards building your personal internet security. As more of our lives migrate online, there’s more to lose by falling short.

While working to create a secure password, remember one of the most basic password security tips: anything that’s password-protected is worth safeguarding. A strong password may be the only barrier between you and a cybersecurity threat, so make sure you’re setting yourself up for success.

Here are some basic steps to create a secure password, more password security tips, and some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind along the way:

How To Create A Secure Password

When you create a secure password, it can be intimidating—especially when it seems like the only viable option is an impossible-to-memorize string of letters and numbers. But there is a happy medium between randomly generated passwords and the more predictable one you’re likely using now.

In fact, when you create a secure password you should start by creating more than one. Many of us reuse the same password, but that’s a dangerous habit. Once a cyberattacker cracks the code, they don’t just have access to one of your accounts—they have keys to the whole kingdom. You’ll want to diversify your passwords across websites. Follow the password security tips below to make sure they’re all up to par.

Make your password memorable. A password that you will remember is useless. Rather than resorting to something completely random, find creative ways to make passwords you will remember harder to guess.Use personal information. For many people, the most memorable passwords are their names, birthdates, or hometowns. Using personal information also makes your password easier to guess based on your online presence—be sure to steer clear of those giveaways.
Save your passwords somewhere secure. If you’re still worried about remembering your password, consider using a secure password manager to create, store, and fill in your passwords safely. All you’ll need to remember is your password manager password.Share your passwords. It may seem obvious, but it’s worth saying: don’t share your passwords with anyone. Sometimes all it takes for someone to break into your account is you telling them how.
Look at examples. Reading helpful resources and finding examples of secure passwords are great ways to gain password security tips—and create a secure password.Choose a common password. Aside from using personal information, using one of the most common passwords like “password,” or “1234,” can put your information at risk.
Aim for 16 to 20 characters. Creating a combination of 16 to 20 letters, numbers—and if the application is case-sensitive—uppercase and lowercase characters, is your best bet for creating a secure password.Use a short password. Shorter passwords aren’t just easier to guess, they’re likely more common. Avoid creating a password fewer than 12 characters.

Now that you’re up to speed on our password security tips, you’re ready to create a secure password. To take your website security a step further, learn more about SiteLock’s security products.

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