
Configure SMART Server Access & Database Settings

GOAL: The goal of this document is to assist with SMART Server Access and Database Settings. If you have any issues, please see the related Frequently Asked Questions article, and if your question is still not answered, don't hesitate to reach out to SiteLock Support for more assistance, or to have one of our support agents complete the configuration on your behalf.



We recommend having the following information prior to configuration.


  • What is it? - A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) User allows the SMART Scanner to connect to your website server, so both the files and database can be scanned for malware.
  • How do I create it? - You can create an FTP User in your hosting control panel. Creating an FTP User is a common web hosting process, so your host likely has documentation on the steps for their specific system. You can search Google for <Hosting Company Name> Create FTP User. If your host provides cPanel access, cPanel also has great documentation for this process: cPanel Documentation: Create an FTP User
  • What if I Need Help? - You should work with your website admin/developer to get this created, but your hosting support team can also assist with this. Alternatively, you can reach out to the SiteLock Support team, who can configure this access on your behalf with temporary access to your cPanel or WHM account.


  • What is it? - A database connection string is the information necessary to connect to your database. This includes the host, username, password, and database port.
  • How do I find it? - The database connection string is typically stored in one of your website files. If you have a common Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal the file is typically located in the same location (see below). The same is true of other less common CMSs, so you can search Google for <CMS Name> Database Connection Location for assistance in locating this information. If you have a custom-built website, these credentials are usually stored in files with names like configuration.php or settings.php or connection.php, but you may need to contact the original developer to find the exact location.
    • WordPress Database Credentials Path: /<website root>/wp-config.php
    • Joomla Database Credentials Path: /<website root>/configuration.php
    • Drupal Database Credentials Path: /<website root>/settings.php
  • What if I Need Help? - In most cases, your website admin/developer is going to be the best source of this information, as this needs to be configured during the website design stage. SiteLock support is happy to complete this configuration on your behalf, but in some more complicated custom-build websites or non-standard CMSs, we may point you back to your developer for assistance.

Configuring Server Access

Navigation Path: Sites -> Manage Website Dropdown Menu -> Settings -> Server Access

On this page you can configure the connection needed for the various SMART Scanners to connect and automatically scan and clean your website.

  1. First, select whether you will use the Same Credentials or Separate Credentials for all of your products:

    • Same Credentials: This option means that you only need to enter the FTP details once and all products will use the same credentials. This is the most common scenario, as most accounts will only require access to one server.
    • Separate Credentials: This option allows you to enter separate FTP connection details for the SMART File Scan, Database Scan, and Backup products. We strongly recommend using one FTP User for all products unless you have a specific reason to create multiple FTP Users.. If selected, separate tabs will be available to allow separate configuration for each. Click through to each to input the necessary details as shown in steps 2-6.
  2. Connection Type: FTP, FTPS, or SFTP
    1. Note: SFTP with SSH is the most secure option.
  3. Credentials: Enter the Host, Port Number, Username, and Password or SSH key*.
    1. *SSH Key: If using an SFTP user with an SSH key, select SSH key instead of password, then Generate New Key. This option is only available when connection type is set to SFTP.

    2. Next, use Download Key to download and add the key to your server before returning to this page to continue with configuration. For most accounts, you can add the key to your server at /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  4. Transfer Speed: Edit the maximum number of connections from SiteLock to your account. Three simultaneous connections will result in faster scan times, but may result in errors if your host limits the number of connections allowed, or if you have multiple websites with SiteLock services. For example, if you have 5 websites set to 3 connections, then there may be 15 connections to your server for FTP at one time, which may be rejected by hosts whose limit these connection types.

  5. Maximum Download Time: Select the maximum time each scan can take to download your files.

  6. Website Root Directory: Select where your website files are located. Use Select Folder to browse your server file system. Please note, if you're unable to locate your site's directory folder or files, you may have an FTP User that doesn't have permission to the correct folders. Please see the related Frequently Asked Questions article at the top of this page for details on this issue.

  7. Save and Continue

Database Settings

Navigation Path: Sites -> Manage Website Dropdown Menu -> Settings -> Database Settings

Depending on the products in your security package, you also have access to a SMART Database Scan and Database Backup. This page will allow you to configure the access to either product.

Configuration: SMART Database Scan

  1. Select Platform: WordPress, Joomla!, or Other*
    Select WordPress or Joomla if applicable. If your site is built with WordPress or Joomla, SMART Database should automatically find the configuration file so manual input is not required. Otherwise, select Other.

  2. Enter Web URL: Enter the full website URL.
    Please note the "http(s)" and the "www" (if applicable) are important to include. If you're not sure what your full website URL is, we recommend visiting the home page on your website, then double-clicking the URL bar so that you can copy the full UR, including the additional information that gets "hidden" in many browsers.
  3. If Other is selected in step 1, manually enter the Host, Port Number, Username, Password, and Database Name for your website's database.
    1. Host: This is the server for your database. In most cases, the web and database server are the same, so localhost works fine here. Otherwise, the IP of the database server is needed.
    2. Port: The default MySQL port is 3306. If you have a custom database port, it must be defined correctly here.
    3. Username: This is the database user for your website.
    4. Password: This is the password for the database user.
    5. Database Name: This is the name of the database for your website.

Configuration: Database Backup

  1. Click on the Database Backup tab.

  2. The database connection strings should be imported from the previous section. Select the desired Database Backup Frequency.

  3. Save and Continue.

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